Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My baby girl turned 4!

Sage turned four at the end of March. I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! I always say to her, "Sage, Promise me you won't grow up and you will always be my baby girl?" She says, "I promise!" She just keeps getting bigger though. She is so excited to be four! I love Sage's hugs and kisses and how she always like to be touching our snuggling.

What a fun day! Her birthday was on Easter Sunday. That was the only birthday that she will ever have on Easter. Won't be on that day for another couple hundred years.

Sage Leora Parrish, aka Sagerino Bambino Leora Flo Flo Muffin Bum Big Sister Parrish
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Amy said...

Sage is seriously the prettiest little girl ever. So can I snatch her up for Dallin when they are older, wouldn't we have the cutest grandkids ever. So let me know about going out in May ok. It was so good to see you the other day, thanks for stopping by.

Pebley Family said...

Happy Birthday Sage!!! We miss you guys.

Kim-the-girl said...

I forgot that she and Bryant share a birthday! She really is gorgeous. Happy birthday Sage!