Thursday, May 21, 2009

You know you are almost done with nursing school when.....

I think that laundry is my least favorite chore.  I have never been good at keeping up on it.  We have this great pool table in the family room that has been so perfect to pile and fold laundry on. But with one week left of nursing school I haven't even tried to fold this mountain of clothes. 

 It's so funny every morning as the family all gathers around the pool table and throws the clothes all over trying to find something to wear.  And then I pull out the spray bottle and try to do a quick spray down to get the wrinkles out.  
I know it's embarassing to post my laundry on the internet.  But hey at least it's not "dirty laundry".  

What Luck!

Tuesday evening we had a busy evening with two ball games that overlapped.  I dropped Isaac off to warm up for his game and then went to get the other kids to bring them back with me.  We were driving down the street by Burgess Park and I had slowed down to let some kids cross the street when I heard a loud BANG!   I thought that I had hit a kid at first but quickly realized that I had been hit by a foul ball and this was the result....

I guess there wasn't anyone responsible for the flying foul ball so I had to call my insurance and file a claim.  
They came to the house two days later to replace the windshield and collect $100 for my deductible.  I guess on the bright side I got a brand new windshield that is clean!  (for the time being that is)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lafe's Pledge

I tried forever to get Lafer to say the Pledge so cute to send to Grandma and Grandpa. I guess I pushed it a little to far!