Thursday, May 21, 2009

You know you are almost done with nursing school when.....

I think that laundry is my least favorite chore.  I have never been good at keeping up on it.  We have this great pool table in the family room that has been so perfect to pile and fold laundry on. But with one week left of nursing school I haven't even tried to fold this mountain of clothes. 

 It's so funny every morning as the family all gathers around the pool table and throws the clothes all over trying to find something to wear.  And then I pull out the spray bottle and try to do a quick spray down to get the wrinkles out.  
I know it's embarassing to post my laundry on the internet.  But hey at least it's not "dirty laundry".  


Amy said...

When are you done girl???? And I love that you posted that, it's GREAT! Okay, and really, are we ever going to see each other. I feel like I'm the worst friend EVER!!!!

Wendy said...

LOVE IT! LOL: I'm three months POST nursing school and my mountain of laundry still looks like that! I am so excited for you that you are done with school! That is wonderful! It's a whole new life and you are going to love it. Congrats! Keep me posted where you end up going to work, okay?