Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Tower!

The other day Chad found Lafer in the pantry with all the cereal boxes out. Chad asked him what he was doing and he said, "I'm building a towuh!"

The other day Chad found Lafer in the pantry with all the cereal boxes out. Chad asked him what he was doing and he said, "I'm building a towuh!"

He only spilled a little cereal. But then he was kind enough to help with the clean up by crushing all the cereal with his feet.
I don't know how this tower will stand up! Looks like more mess to me.


Amy said...

Seriously he is the cutest little guy Merrie. I just caught up on all you posts and it looks like you guys have been busy. Darling Halloween pics, and I LOVE the temple square ones, what a good idea. So, seriously when are getting together, we miss you guys?

New Lewis Happenings said...

He's a doll! I love being able to see picture of your darling family!!

Skea Family said...

He is so cute!! Those eyes and lashes should be on a girl...not a boy! What a little heart breaker!

Babbel Family said...

Hi Merrie- Your family is so cute. I loved looking at all your pictures. Do you have an email for Jill? I would love to catch up with her! Thanks-Sarah Lamb