Sunday, June 29, 2008

Watch and Learn

It's amazing the stuff that our kids learn from watching! I couldn't miss this shot of Lafer reading on the toilet. He isn't even potty trained but he wanted to sit and read on the toilet.
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Amy said...

Hilarious Lafe looks just like Chad on the toilet. Um wait, I guess I haven't seen Chad on the toilet. Too funny. That's why Jake gets so much reading done, he spends lots of time on the pot!

Cali said...

Cracks me up! Funny, funny, funny.

Kim-the-girl said...

He is growing up so much! He is HILARIOUS!

Susan said...

Hey Merrie! It's great to find your website. Lafe is adorable - he made me laugh out loud! How's the big Parrish family doing?

Susan said...

Hey Merrie! It's great to find your website. Lafe is adorable - he made me laugh out loud! How's the big Parrish family doing?

Jill said...

Way to read Lafer! I need to do more watching and learning like little Lafer and I might actually get my books read--Oh, what that means I would actually get to sit down! Chad and Merrie I love your blog and seeing pictures of the fam. Keep it up! Love ya